Where You Should Study Abroad?

September 26, 2020

Yes! You should consider studying abroad.

But, a certificate is a certificate, right? Yes. But, no. 

The truth is that some certificates are more highly rated than others…depending on where you got them from. The real value of a certificate for your career, and life, can therefore be of more significance than you imagined prior to getting it.

One of the key benefits of studying abroad is opportunities for foreign work experience. These opportunities are diverse, and if you are extremely good, you may find good jobs as an expatriate staff of some good organization. However, the percentage of such lucky people is extremely low. So, for the average kind of person, that may not be your kind of opportunity. Studying abroad is one of the easiest and honorable means for you to consider. It is 100% guaranteed, but it surely enhances your chances.

So, where should you study? The answer depends on a number of factors. I will address these factors in multiple posts. Here, I will start with the issue of finance:

Studying abroad costs a lot. You have to factor in the costs of tuition, accommodation, travel and upkeep. Cost of living is usually more expensive in most cases when you study abroad. Therefore, consideration for your pocket is about the most important one you will have to make while planning on studying abroad. And mind you, while scholarships deliver fantastic opportunities, they are not just there for the taking. There are far too many people looking for scholarships compared with the number of scholarships available. That, on top of several requirements, the least of which is an outstanding grade, further reduces the degree to which such opportunities are accessible So, the assumption here will be that you will be self-sponsored. And that in the parlance of international education means, you, your parents, or other persons, will be paying the cost of your international education rather than through a scholarship.

So, if you have solid financial backing, like you have stored up cash for the project, or your sponsor is loaded and money is the least of your problems, you may want to consider going west. Not because that is the only place to find good education, but because when you eventually get your certificate, you will be dealing with people whose biases has nothing to do with the quality of your knowledge or skills. You may find your chances at a solid career tied to ‘where’ your certificate is obtained. So, you want to make sure to put that into consideration when you can. Most western nations offer international students the opportunities for work permits, immigration, permanent residency, etc. So, if those are important considerations for you, then, the West is your choice. 

If your financial source is not strong, all hope is still not lost. There are many countries with sound educational systems where you can get something equal in quality to the best around the world at a much cheaper rate. However, most of the countries in this category usually do not provide opportunities for working while studying nor offer post-graduation work opportunities. While it is not impossible to get post-graduation job offers in such places, the chances are much lower and there are no promises. But, most important of all, immigration opportunities are almost non-existent in such places.

So, let your finance guide your choice. It is hard enough surviving in an unfamiliar environment; you don’t want to add financial hardship on top of all that you have to deal with. It could make the difference between the success and failure of your study.

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