Let Us Get Your Admission
Here’s a list of documents you’ll need to upload in the form:
- International passport info page
- Certificates of academic qualifications
- Professional certificates
- Official transcripts
- Digital passport photo
- Comprehensive CV
- Research proposal (research study only)
- Proof of work experience (for senior applicants, applicants with poor results or those with HND certificates; e.g. appointment letter)
Worried about results or other academic issues? There are options for you too! Reach out and let us advise you. Don’t worry, it is totally FREE!!
International education can open up great doors of opportunities. You know that education is one of the easiest and fastest way to immigrate, right? And yes, we know selecting the right one from the thousands of institutions out there can be a daunting task; and a life-changing decision too! So, you have to do it right. We are recruitment partners to over 1000 institutions across the world, so, you are in the right place, right now. Got more Questions?
Email: arrowstransactions@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +601121748309