Canada U15: What You Should Know…and Do

May 8, 2021

    Established in 1991 with headquarters in Ottawa, the U15 Group refers to the commonwealth of Canadian Research Universities responsible for the topmost academic research in Canada. They are the 15 most research-intensive universities in Canada. The 15 Universities work independently and together to advance the collective interest of all members. Their focus is on the conduct of critical and fundamental research, and to foster the “development and delivery of long-term, sustainable higher education and research policy in Canada and around the world”.

Together, the U15 conduct research worth $8.5 billion, which accounts for 80% of topmost research in Canada yearly. Between them, the U15 are responsible for over 75% of all Canadian doctorates and are recipients of 79% of Canadian research funding. Over 80% of Canadian university technology licenses is held by the U15. According to Wikipedia, the U15 group ‘represent 47 percent of all university students in Canada, 71 percent of all full-time doctoral students in the country, 87 percent of all contracted private-sector research in Canada, and 80 percent of all patents and start-ups in Canada’

The 15 members are from Ontario (6), Quebec (3), Alberta (2), British Columbia (1), Manitoba (1), Nova Scotia (1) and Saskatchewan 91); meaning that the U15 represent 7 of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada

Is your goal for world-class research conducted with state-of-the-art infrastructure? Do you have a vision to contribute to the making of ground-breaking research discoveries? Then you should consider one of the U15 institutions. 

Ready to start your application?

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